
2016“荟萃蓉城”精品剧目展演|2016'Assemble in Chengdu' Boutique Repertoire Performances


作为2016年“荟萃蓉城”精品剧目成都展演活动的首场演出,由上海歌舞团有限公司带来的舞剧《朱鹮》获得了广大观众的喜爱与支持。一场最简单的舞剧 净化观众的心灵“最美的东西都是有爱的”,这是舞剧《朱鹮》结束后,现场观众的有感而发。

As 2016 "meta boutique repertoire of the Chengdu" Chengdu exhibitions and activities of the first show, brought about by the Shanghai Song and dance ensemble Co., Ltd. ballet "Ibis" won the affection and support from the majority of the audience. , a most simple dance purification audience mind "the most beautiful things are love", this is after the premiere of the Crested Ibis ", audience explodes not without reason.

上一条:2016国家精品剧目成都演出季|2016 national boutique r...

下一条:杨丽萍大型舞剧《孔雀》| Yang Liping large ballet