影视项目 大中型会议会展 大型演艺演出 公益文化项目 文旅项目
  •   公司自2014年以来,便投身于大中型会议会展的项目之中,优秀案例不胜枚举。其中,以《变形金刚4》全国道具巡展为首的一系列项目,在全国范围内,取得了不俗的反响。2017年公司承办的“成都音乐产业发展高峰论坛”,更是得到了社会各界的认可。多年来丰富的展会经验,也让公司在大中型会议会展项目的承办方面,有坚实的能力基础。

    Since 2014, the company has been engaged in large and medium-sized conference and exhibition projects, with numerous excellent cases. Among them, a series of projects led by the national props tour of transformers 4 have made remarkable repercussions nationwide. The "Chengdu Music Industry Development Summit Forum" held by the company in 2017 has also been recognized by all sectors of the society. Over the years, the rich exhibition experience also enables the company to have a solid ability foundation in the undertaking of large and medium-sized conference and exhibition projects.