影视项目 大中型会议会展 大型演艺演出 公益文化项目 文旅项目
  • 公司旗下也有不少大型演艺类项目的经典案例,在演艺活动策划筹办方面,始终保持着极强的竞争力。公司曾经承接过张学友等知名歌手的演唱会项目、还策划和筹办了“郎朗现代李斯特中国巡演成都站音乐会”、多次筹办大型话剧、舞台剧项目,无论是在执行经验还是在演艺策展的资源方面,都展现出了专业团队应有的魄力。

    The company also has a lot of classic cases of large-scale performance projects, and has always maintained a strong competitiveness in the planning and preparation of performance activities. The company has undertaken the concert projects of famous singers such as Jacky Cheung, and has also planned and organized "Lang Lang modern Liszt China tour Chengdu Station concert".The preparation of large-scale drama and stage play projects for many times has demonstrated the courage of the professional team, both in the implementation experience and in the resources of performance planning and exhibition.