影视项目 大中型会议会展 大型演艺演出 公益文化项目 文旅项目
  • 公司致力于大型文旅项目及影视景区打造,多年来完成并积累了一大批优秀的案例。诸如“马可波罗梦幻花海主题公园”、“丽江老君山景区文化定位及舞台剧项目可行性研究”、“中国西昌邛海湾国际酒店区项目文化全案推广”等项目,都是公司的优秀案例,能够充分说明公司在这类项目上的能力和经验。

    The company is committed to building large-scale cultural tourism projects and film and television scenic spots, and has completed and accumulated a large number of excellent cases over the years. Such projects as "Marco Polo dream flower sea theme park", "Lijiang Laojunshan scenic area cultural positioning and stage play project feasibility study", "Qionghai Bay International Hotel area project cultural promotion in Xichang, China" are excellent cases of the company, which can fully demonstrate the company's ability and experience in such projects.