影视项目 大中型会议会展 大型演艺演出 公益文化项目 文旅项目
  • 从2010年开始,公司便投身于公益文化事业中去,在十年时间内策划并筹办了超过百场的公益文化活动。2010年~19年,公司一共举办大大小小的公益演出和公益文化讲座百余场。此外,公司还会不定期走进敬老院、福利院等社会福利机构,举办公益文化活动。2015年公司承办的“高雅音乐下基层”系列音乐会和成都文艺志愿小分队走进大学“醉民谣”系列演出,更是引起了社会各界的广泛关注。

    Since 2010, the company has been engaged in public cultural undertakings, planning and organizing more than 100 public cultural activities in ten years. From 2010 to 19 years, the company held more than 100 public performance and public cultural lectures. In addition, the company will enter social welfare institutions such as nursing homes and welfare homes from time to time to hold public cultural activities. In 2015, the company hosted a series of concerts "under elegant music at the grassroots level" and a series of performances of "drunk Ballads" by Chengdu Art volunteer team, which attracted wide attention from all walks of life.