
2016国家精品剧目成都演出季|2016 national boutique repertoire Chengdu show season



The 2016 national fine plays Chengdu season grand opening ceremony, brought about by the Oriental Song and dance of large-scale global classical concert "Oriental voice" staged in the southwest of Chengdu on the evening of May 10, 2016 at 7:30 in the theater. Large global classical concert "Oriental voice" in love and peace for the tone, features include oriental musical instruments and classical repertoire, the global art and the world classic concentrated among them, with a breakthrough of the traditional dance party pattern of new forms of presentation, the audience have won the praise, not only to listen to and enjoy, more able to participate feel the situation.

上一条:2016国家精品剧目成都演出季|2016 national boutique r...

下一条:2016国家精品剧目成都演出季|2016 national boutique r...